titans are forces of love on earth that and beauties I follow fires on Instagram which I put here on my website so they know. For me they are spiritual lovers at the soul level as well and I invited. In France i sat and rise to a different restaurant where I was a beautiful young woman for about an hour with friends of both sexes. I wrote a note and I invited her. She was surprise and some elders laugh about it.  In EEUU I did the same, even to in a mailing box. And saw I launched a bottle of rose with an invitation within - it was not just a bottle of rose- Also as I was developing the performancing centers that has an effects on the chakras of the earth so they are no use to move the earth -obviously me neither: 1 from Wales with the eyes, 2, 1 from England, 1 from Valencia, 1, one of the Olympics. Some in other platforms too.

Mono No Aware