Camino de Santiago 40 Contemplations As You Walk (original intended As You Walk)
H, I found few months ago that there were still reselling this book of mine with which I launched the self-publishing platform. I unpublished and closed the company with consciousness. It reformulated beautifully and I took a class before the formation of it in New York thanks to the town and Small Business Solutions. A reformulation to adapt my knowledge from Spain to the USA. The book still is not what meant to be as it did what needed to be done. In  a way it does because it is unpublished so it may be more along with the Camino de Santiago. I saw light once there and I believe it may force you or may get within your body. The reason someone republished who know. Only the copies that may be found on the way like once it did to me may take from the twisting thing of the angels.  It was unpublished when the pandemic of Covid-19 started. Last Fall I wrote this and unpublished it during Spring Summer 2020.  As You Walk means has you set up an intention or the structure rather than when you go to sleep. but there is tjat thin. - below you can read that people tended to complain about the price_ when it was done to keep the awareness. For example a mother did so as to when the fruition point arrived she stopped so as the woman she was with the prenupcial agreement would have return rather than stolen till this day that I found who has it so it most return now too with a certificate because they knew__ I'm not waiting for the 40 days of purification after the Holidays specially after finding on the 5th the one that had stolen the highest quality of fire - women are to carry children and they  can collect in groups of 2. - By doing the 40 days comes Carnaval y en Carnaval salen las orejas de los conejos o Groundhogs days . Tal  y como en año pasado robaron la alegría la vision y la illusion y deseo de vivir en ambos cumpleaÑos- Lalita cogisteis de en un momento de Alegría. De Alegría ya la di un libro a leer pues sabía: Hay un camino escrito al norte de la India donde yo deje un camino. No al camino del Sur donde hay Alegría. Calcuta es otra posibilidad desde la vision de funerales en las orillas del Ganga. Allí llegué desde Agra. Donde toque los rubies del Taj Majhal y fuí guiado.  _ una copia en Pdf puedo enviar por email_ FloatingBooks email I dont use anymore. Continue leyendo:
Know my fellows and I am aware that there were sold over 600 copies, about the same number of miles that I walked and you influenced other people with your actions and conversations. Trust we would ran into and to visit the future exhibitions and that there would be a platform created by me in collaboration for self-publishing. The Fire Fairies: The Bridge was brief. - A WRITER THINKER THAT I NOTICE SOMETHING GOT WHAT NOTICED WHEN HE GOT A COPY AND THAT IS ALL. HE MADE ANOTHER BOOK.
Useya; know that I did not put myself on my knees, I vailed and walk. Before it was 14-16USD. About 198.81$ was at that time the resale. 

H, encontré hace unos meses que se revendía el libro que publiqué en Amazon que use para lanzar la plataforma de libros auto publicados con mis obras. Publiqué y deshice la compañía con consciencia. La consciencia luminosa se retuvo de forma luminosa. Igualmente me dediqué a una clase en Nueva York gracias a la Ciudad través de Small Business Solutions para ajustar mi conocimiento de la Universidad a los Estados Unidos antes. El libro aun hace lo que tiene que hacer - si lo encuentran en algún lugar y leen una contemplación. El sentido es el sentido de un libro que quite del mercado junto con la compañía en el año de Covid-19. Otros lo que diga el que lo revenda o quien sabe. Se retiró como libro obsoleto.
Sepan que se vendió algo más de 600 copias. Algo así como las millas que caminé y que influenciaste otras gentes cuando caminaste con tus acciones y conversaciones.  Hadas de Fuego: El Puente, fue breve.
Useya. Que sepan que yo no me arrodille, velé y seguí.   

Lean bien esto por eso lo escribí. Igualmente en algún momento podrían haber dejado ir.  - Therefore that thing was bringing within the body only what was no when one was a child like for example Sushi - or then one eats lentils and one is a child again incarnating mama - or keeping like one did no practices anything before rather than the Omicron virus that someone variation took when one was painting practicing calligraphy and so you may know that from the darkness of the inks the letters in gold started to appear and when was done it got a little darker and one cleaned.  - remember that history of the fires that were stolen as it is like tht and so there are the we3 or and  oRanB and that is ok both ends cover like they like . did not you all wanted shovels to the gold that you found.

Para aquellos que sientan tienen que hacer un Camino.  As the book with the company went_ un ingreso de $ son necesarios para que tengan una función en cualquier lugar del mundo en lugar del Camino.  Una cosa es otra cosa es que alguien lo use. 

tO do this book as it was is to made a payment of 1.000 € so it has the intention that I had no the one that is selling it as it has no space on a shelf and it was a rare fine or to recover for the doings of others - y ya no me llaman mas jilipollas .  por construir el cuerpo medio o doble. lo cual hice desde el 1990-91.   tHe book was only of a support no as to be:   To those that want to make it a rare fine as a collectors book they should pay 900 $ or €. So you know what you all do to authors overtime and so. In  theory as others are reselling or even reprinting they have what they did or happened to authors.  Ari was my first name when I came of the source of life.  Equal distant is no equanimity the book was and i accepted the help of the Camino de Santiago an I unpublished it when it accomplished its task. Si no vendi mi vida con un libro . que piensan que iba a vender mi vida mas elevada o menor¿ lo que vendo en las acedurias y atadurias son asesinatos del porvenir que se han creado, tramas para películas, libros, videos, teatros. cosas que pod -  ran ser teatralizadas y echas o no y los numerous seran mayores o menores especialmente por jugar con el cuerpo humano con la intention de molestar lo más posible_ pues saben - Lo que yo hago es diferente, algo vivencial de la luz algo teatrico y creativo. - Cambiastis l llave ganada durante mi camino e intentions por la llave de quien me dio algunos consejos. 
About the copies and how I undid or closed or ends.
1- I got a certificate of Authority en NY to sell copies in the streets as to interact with people along with getting some extra along with the platform in Amazon for with I got about 4-5$.
2- Di algunas copia en Español en consigna a una papelería de Morón de la Frontera. Le dije a alguien que podia recoger el beneficio.
3- Al mismo tiempo lei por 7 días una contemplación en mi canal de Youtube y luego lo rece. 
4- Una hombre compro el libro y estaba entusiasmado. Una mujer en el Metro lo uso y fue genial.
5- Un sacerdote lo compro y lo uso para peregrinaciones.
6- A woman related to hiking groups in the US both to teach from the inspiration earned. So other did.
7- A copy I gave to a drunk person asking for money in the neighborhood in BK.
8- A woman that did not have enough paid less. I let all go.
9- Introduced the book at a store in CT during the pandemic. Only one psychotherapist that retired from working with drunk people got it. That town had a problem with alcoholism.
10- I offered help during the pandemic to process to people with alcohol problems as I saw many small bottles of alcohol along the road. I offered it on Facebook and people laugh because I asked them to purchase a copy. That is to tried people with dignity. If they could have buy a copy it would have been a demonstration of interest. Otherwise tht would have being a tangling situation. No one did as they did no response to the laughing mocking on Facebook.
11- A year later an organization came to my apartment asking for help. I was in a different vibe so I was no involve so I could have no help. I was making a collection.
12- 10 copies were sold at an organization for the Camino de Santiago en Galicia at the beginning.
13- A digital version I left at the Nook book from B&N as it was very difficult to close. I dont mind if there is a residue money there. If there is they may find a trace to ideas for books that i Have at  
14- If copies are found along the path an inspiration may come as it came to me when I needed it. It is call "Albedo"  like there is other people that made the camino and i did wanted to do a book and did not wanted to share my experience. But they made a movie of a possibility that I spoke with someone along the camino and it made a possible path that created problem to many people and know is "Audiovisual Service"
15- Found people using it that is why-
16- I found the reason of that drama when I was writting Wstblog. A kabbalistic way of writting that helps to find the source of the problem. It prevent tht from developing as I unpublished and i never got a notification that it was happening. 
17- What it may bring I dont know as I was making tables the extra stress I developed things tht I loved and love that relate to me that were hiding within the music, written and movies that I related.
18- A serie of about 10 copies I placed at the Omega Center, NY. A meditation center. 
19. The name was a name so there is a difference between the intimate life, life privacy and life itself. 
Note: the book was written making myself a 30 minutes walk with a coffee in the mornings then to sit for about 30 minutes so one contemplation came related mostly to a practical application of my Chi Gong practice. Wewi. the figure 8 that dictates if the body is healthy or no as you walk or lay down you may have experience a change at the point it may cross with the three dan-tiens . The belly bottom and the top of the head along with the mouth.  It relates to Universal energy but not to Reiki. Only to the aspect that penetrates so it does not penetrates.

-- Escribo así pues es como un artículo para que ganen conocimiento. Los efectos para la persona que vende el libro. La aportación económica pues descargaron e hicieron para que tengan una transacción económica para que vuestra vida tome lo que pusieron en mi vida.  
-- Dejaron hechos y conexiones con gays people that asked why your heart shine when you look at beautiful women? Therefore they have to and it was related with the judgments of WW2 that manifested as wW3 . Therefore there is an obligation of doings that relates to pilgrimages penitencias y acedurias. para que caminen lo que andaban manifestando para todos y todas. Aún habrá guerra pero no sera esa guerra de los viruses o lo que se creo de forma ancestral y o digital.  

. Nota -Related but no relateD to. During a hike in MA a used a stick to hit a tree to vibrate to communicate to update the "helmet" an aspect of the human mind protection aura that contains layers so as therefore- 1 layer communicates with the buyer- Otra capa con personas interesadas en comprar las esculturas lugares publicos y así encuentran la página web. así ese sabe y como uso la excusa de que le dio un golpe a un árbol lo uso como excusa para así encontrar las relaciones de uno y con la luz de uno seductora incluso llegar por detrás a una mujer en la playa y tocarla las tetas. MonoNoAware- algo que relaciono a una foto escultura que vi de como lo representaban en el imperio romano y por lo tanto los marqué desde mi cuerpo para que tengan esa cara de asco y mi cara de aspecto romano vuelva tal y como era e nStaffordd Springs y Francia. Pues si, las mujeres se excitan con uno. Y así por contraparte pues quitaron hasta el punto de que hay coche perderán un aspecto de la luz circundante y ya saben que luz circundante desde dentro abitara e n h vosotros y algunas de vosotras por puede seer 1 año o 12 años. Y así uno vio los saltos al menos energéticos de los balcones en números en los que tal vez no se pueda o no haya fuerzas para recogerlos.  ya saben la otra opción es comprar penitencias y acedurias de autoridades. y caminen la peregrinación en lugar de por las ciudades o pueblos_  del libro de las esferas de filosofía cogisteis pues cuando vio ello ya supo uno que hacían y como y decidieron seguir y segir.  Somepeople is using this book and others for that purpose. aNd they mixed with an app of Constellations in the Sky some doers o no silence doers anymore they said_ CertificatesofAutories and Acedurias are made.