Last year when I travelled to France I traveled with awareness through the deceive vision. A vision that was deceive because they did not allow the sale of any of my collections and they wanted to leave the art in a house where I enjoyed barbecues, pizzas, parties, campfires, etc. I decided to travel with the art. I found advertising in Santander and BBVA. I returned or flew back and it was Eugene a place walkable and beautiful town and surroundings. I was led to a building apartment when in reality I belonged to the small house that they were fixing behind. I met a young woman of my side blond when I went to pick up a tree and we recognize each other. I chopped the tree rather than to wait for the spring time. oN a conversation someone was using the 5 G tower with intentions it is my believe related to Duckies or the Oregon team. Those that like to leave marks in the ass and walk like ducks. I jail and I said i dont do anything for them like that thing of disconnecting the internet. Like a connection of earth that does not discharge electricity etc which is just ancestry to that dont like internet etc. Later on I did a test with a toy gun and I shot a dart in an angle of about 45 degrees and it hit the window and stay. I disconnected and did again and it behaved normally. It hit the window and it did not stick to. I put 2 x in the windows as to mark with the double rhomboids the house at front which relates to the porn or adults movies of the 80' as I was processing all residue that I transforme into a vibe of me and then the vibe of the plazas. the dumping of doings from one house to another or the time of holidays thinking and consciously doing. Like i dot smoke and that thing within puts smokes smells etc - the others took alchemical transformations so..... - - Front the apartment outside I saw a fatty young man, a dark hairy young woman and a fatty young woman. The man performed and action of shooting a bullet to the young woman and the other obese laugh . She was walking like a duck. - well good for you if you all do that gain claim your doings- Which by the way I also wrote to the profile that let me there.
bEcause I am either a person /that means someone was putting that on me- when in reality is that i found a small company to work with so that company would take care of the building situations as they have that set of knowledge and wisdoms. Even when or independently like Amazon could be Amazon/MK as it is written on a note rather than that service of donations/ that is to fix others companies or peoples problems or that I pursue situations to look for money I have created a collection of authorities so the doers can take their merrits; which said that they are no silence doers anymore can take the injuries rather than the owners or ground force. I did noticed to that when they were fixing something I disconnected the internet and the employees did not know what to do and they stop working. And happens that I found a loving woman at a salsa dancing place while developing plazas - tht may be platforms for the future performance centers. that are and are not related to houses.
There was also the house below infront with 4 young women and they were doing a party. They were using that as to please me but thanks to me I remained at my frontward giving the back to them relaying in that one of them would come to take me to the party. Later on in the Spring time as they got comfortable with the sun because I was coming outside to enjoy my coffee, beer, wine and meals. Litters means litter with intention so as to show how I am and how they got comfortable rather than drinking and dumping. Water from cleaning the floors are very welcome to the garden rather than dumping into the toilet and then flushing. / they complain about it not sure if them themselves because they houses were designed to use the toilet or not to bring behaviors that are actually enriching behaviors (that is why( you are behaving better they tell me do they miss a man performing the inner forces of the holidays and then made a tablee tht redirected way they were doing even though the elections said something else. )people travel and lives in other countries- I too was through the water with strength to the fence between two buildings and the dark presence that was built in between keeping people away from each other at the end even on of them was always saying hi how are you doing ... / First and Second Certificates specially. LikeM 1 and 2. They made a program were they are going to show themselves and I make it mine so they don't govern so are they who go. Audiovisual Created Service - Servicio Audiovisual Creado All of that you have been using is a force of creativity related to Giants energy before there was the eye for an eye like gladiators energies historical vibes. I put on because I now from different collections that they still until it sells ad that is why it did not sell. Understood that i am no a jilipollas? the once that use these platforms and said they are n the silence doers are. tHere is people that remember the 2 of the switcher. 1 was for the light one was for the internet. I put one on the internet piece of sticky look like a tongue because that thing did not stop talking at all. And then y took it of and told everyone all the opposite. When it is a virus thing created by people because I unpublished a book when it was done and they started to resale it on Amazon and when I share something on Instagram they were giving even the way i was cooking pancakes or even the bursas. iF there is a compensation for those doings and the expression that was given at a phone call it was because they were doing from the houses at front. So they take the reasons and injuries etc. 80,000$ or 8 MMUSDand the purchase of a certificate of penitenciarias or acedurias. There are many. As it may clear the company karma or companies as to go to those that use it.
Other thing that I did. When it was spring there were many and tht voice that jailed from within ·to the end" is the lover of someone called Katia Clover which everyitime there is a momento of joy comes from within and creates drama. It has been 3 years already of that.
So I decided to disconnect the 5 G tower that was inside the apartment as I was seen people fixing or putting new at front side of the apartment. In front there was one of those houses with a big pine. So i disconnected and everything changed. The workers took a longer brake, the traffic changed, etc. After a no long like 10 minutes I connected it back so it felt that things or people started to work again. It was something that i did a few times in Stafford Springs not to keep doing the same but to teach the body not to let that frequency to accumulate or to do Mia Pieces with the internet of the neighbor's. Then the wherever they eat or the phones, etc. So that way it created a hate when one was celebrating Mexican culture with tacos, music and beer and he used the houses on the left and on the right. On the left if i am like taking a picture of a child going to school the first day was an old mexican woman, a white old woman without pigmentations to who I mentioned as I saw the daughter was taking care of her that if some time she needed something she could ask us. The next apartment was a fat woman with a fat girl divorced with a dog. On the other side a very estrange couple then a gay dancer as a hobby with a skinny blond woman. To him I ran into him and offered fresh churros - i dont care if they are gay or not - but that does not means they are connected to me energetically they can feel that i dont mind. The next apartment was an old couple smoking marihuaga with a boy with a dog that visited sometimes. At front an old couple with a motorcycle and a roster iron owl. After that a friendly couple that are friends with a cat. Rather than Katia. mis problemas con la tecnología ya saben. no son mis problemas am aware they were taking vibration of money health sexuality creativity and friends and lovers.miren pues como esta mañana todavía estaba una presencia de la first ex lady of the us desee que la cojan por la cabeza y la metan en un bater lleno de mierda para que coma y a su marido como no se iba que le llenen el fregadero de porquerias tal como se expreso hace un año por lo menos y le d en de beber . nov. 21. also as they did not have enough with the electiricy of the wire house one took a picture and said look like the electric wiring that goes along the trees and then they are seen on the winter and then none seeing on the spring time but the raccoons then come down the trees to eat migajas como las hormigas.
- why do i write this. Because tjat thing within the belly bottom and the body uses and created Vesica piscis creating an effect through the brain and then uses the internet connections even of the phone or phone with the neighborhoods and rejects the true connections like for example in Stafford Springs there we were about 4 or 3 years ago celebrating Mexican culture and they ate it and they connected us with a gay black dancer taking care of a program of people with subnormalities and an Old Mexican woman, consciousness of people that one has no problem as neighbors but not to be connected with energetically. Like from there the Chariot and other geometries are affected and transfer feelings and this and that and I know all of it because I did a project of paintings and one of my teacher is a master in Sacred Geometry that applied to the construction of geometries and parks. wRote it today dec 27- 2024 3.24pm Be cause some people from and the back chakras were using the connection as we were paying with Xfinity and now the phone is Vodafone.
a Note to what is written on Xfinity, therefore there is mutual enrichment rather than depletion and cannot pass food or vodka or smoke or cigars or toxic fields like form car cleanings and fixings....And went they are at the right level rather than elevating they don't want to be with another people and the documents from teh Juzgado de Moron can arrive and to renew the Drivers license with a duplicate can be easy and the others that took and love to do things walking would have that faith as that is what they were creating and the marriages emotions would be now be those man rather than to do that to women at the cost of scaring with killing families at their names if they reject. tHen con el drama toman energía vital de sexualidad sensualidad salud dinero el bacon los huevos fritos o rotos y anda dicen que tuvieron sexo con mujeres. because they know they are aware hat they do and in that order they would receive what the put on them as men did consciously and they would pay as they buy for any of those certificates and they will walk and they know, and it would be through the feminine life women side so there is no trace - once in Eugene I was calm and tjat from within made her feel or to call herself "idiot" so i pull the table out of me and make it felt and at the same time said bring him to me and since then it has been bringing men rather than bouncing back to them as by resonance and they became more gays and more gays meaning violence violence.. And as that table was done applied certain other knowledge of wood and clay and heart elements in relation to food and metals which affects migrations ways and how documents happens and it would be faster rather than supporting racism or terrorism. Even the 12 dimensions of life as they were using it with a dace to play with life like that and i would open now another plaza so it is in the doings and they would work on that sculpture place a claim from one continent to other rather than the cows or children calling or crying to return to their bodies to be humans rather than toxic things or toxic relationships so the bombs would be barrigotas y baracudas barbas punzantes:: It said from witHin ."until the end!" which in a way they can take tjat and they would kNOw. Rather than those dramas because I have been letting this thing go since 2005 and still...... So they can take that information and because one knows there are cases and circunstances that a settlement so they can and put that into them and it 800,000 $ . like the certificates mentioned about and there are copies for others_ Like I helped a woman that I saw in front of the house-apat i nEugene.
bEcause I am either a person /that means someone was putting that on me- when in reality is that i found a small company to work with so that company would take care of the building situations as they have that set of knowledge and wisdoms. Even when or independently like Amazon could be Amazon/MK as it is written on a note rather than that service of donations/ that is to fix others companies or peoples problems or that I pursue situations to look for money I have created a collection of authorities so the doers can take their merrits; which said that they are no silence doers anymore can take the injuries rather than the owners or ground force. I did noticed to that when they were fixing something I disconnected the internet and the employees did not know what to do and they stop working. And happens that I found a loving woman at a salsa dancing place while developing plazas - tht may be platforms for the future performance centers. that are and are not related to houses.
There was also the house below infront with 4 young women and they were doing a party. They were using that as to please me but thanks to me I remained at my frontward giving the back to them relaying in that one of them would come to take me to the party. Later on in the Spring time as they got comfortable with the sun because I was coming outside to enjoy my coffee, beer, wine and meals. Litters means litter with intention so as to show how I am and how they got comfortable rather than drinking and dumping. Water from cleaning the floors are very welcome to the garden rather than dumping into the toilet and then flushing. / they complain about it not sure if them themselves because they houses were designed to use the toilet or not to bring behaviors that are actually enriching behaviors (that is why( you are behaving better they tell me do they miss a man performing the inner forces of the holidays and then made a tablee tht redirected way they were doing even though the elections said something else. )people travel and lives in other countries- I too was through the water with strength to the fence between two buildings and the dark presence that was built in between keeping people away from each other at the end even on of them was always saying hi how are you doing ... / First and Second Certificates specially. LikeM 1 and 2. They made a program were they are going to show themselves and I make it mine so they don't govern so are they who go. Audiovisual Created Service - Servicio Audiovisual Creado All of that you have been using is a force of creativity related to Giants energy before there was the eye for an eye like gladiators energies historical vibes. I put on because I now from different collections that they still until it sells ad that is why it did not sell. Understood that i am no a jilipollas? the once that use these platforms and said they are n the silence doers are. tHere is people that remember the 2 of the switcher. 1 was for the light one was for the internet. I put one on the internet piece of sticky look like a tongue because that thing did not stop talking at all. And then y took it of and told everyone all the opposite. When it is a virus thing created by people because I unpublished a book when it was done and they started to resale it on Amazon and when I share something on Instagram they were giving even the way i was cooking pancakes or even the bursas. iF there is a compensation for those doings and the expression that was given at a phone call it was because they were doing from the houses at front. So they take the reasons and injuries etc. 80,000$ or 8 MMUSDand the purchase of a certificate of penitenciarias or acedurias. There are many. As it may clear the company karma or companies as to go to those that use it.
Other thing that I did. When it was spring there were many and tht voice that jailed from within ·to the end" is the lover of someone called Katia Clover which everyitime there is a momento of joy comes from within and creates drama. It has been 3 years already of that.
So I decided to disconnect the 5 G tower that was inside the apartment as I was seen people fixing or putting new at front side of the apartment. In front there was one of those houses with a big pine. So i disconnected and everything changed. The workers took a longer brake, the traffic changed, etc. After a no long like 10 minutes I connected it back so it felt that things or people started to work again. It was something that i did a few times in Stafford Springs not to keep doing the same but to teach the body not to let that frequency to accumulate or to do Mia Pieces with the internet of the neighbor's. Then the wherever they eat or the phones, etc. So that way it created a hate when one was celebrating Mexican culture with tacos, music and beer and he used the houses on the left and on the right. On the left if i am like taking a picture of a child going to school the first day was an old mexican woman, a white old woman without pigmentations to who I mentioned as I saw the daughter was taking care of her that if some time she needed something she could ask us. The next apartment was a fat woman with a fat girl divorced with a dog. On the other side a very estrange couple then a gay dancer as a hobby with a skinny blond woman. To him I ran into him and offered fresh churros - i dont care if they are gay or not - but that does not means they are connected to me energetically they can feel that i dont mind. The next apartment was an old couple smoking marihuaga with a boy with a dog that visited sometimes. At front an old couple with a motorcycle and a roster iron owl. After that a friendly couple that are friends with a cat. Rather than Katia. mis problemas con la tecnología ya saben. no son mis problemas am aware they were taking vibration of money health sexuality creativity and friends and lovers.miren pues como esta mañana todavía estaba una presencia de la first ex lady of the us desee que la cojan por la cabeza y la metan en un bater lleno de mierda para que coma y a su marido como no se iba que le llenen el fregadero de porquerias tal como se expreso hace un año por lo menos y le d en de beber . nov. 21. also as they did not have enough with the electiricy of the wire house one took a picture and said look like the electric wiring that goes along the trees and then they are seen on the winter and then none seeing on the spring time but the raccoons then come down the trees to eat migajas como las hormigas.
- why do i write this. Because tjat thing within the belly bottom and the body uses and created Vesica piscis creating an effect through the brain and then uses the internet connections even of the phone or phone with the neighborhoods and rejects the true connections like for example in Stafford Springs there we were about 4 or 3 years ago celebrating Mexican culture and they ate it and they connected us with a gay black dancer taking care of a program of people with subnormalities and an Old Mexican woman, consciousness of people that one has no problem as neighbors but not to be connected with energetically. Like from there the Chariot and other geometries are affected and transfer feelings and this and that and I know all of it because I did a project of paintings and one of my teacher is a master in Sacred Geometry that applied to the construction of geometries and parks. wRote it today dec 27- 2024 3.24pm Be cause some people from and the back chakras were using the connection as we were paying with Xfinity and now the phone is Vodafone.
a Note to what is written on Xfinity, therefore there is mutual enrichment rather than depletion and cannot pass food or vodka or smoke or cigars or toxic fields like form car cleanings and fixings....And went they are at the right level rather than elevating they don't want to be with another people and the documents from teh Juzgado de Moron can arrive and to renew the Drivers license with a duplicate can be easy and the others that took and love to do things walking would have that faith as that is what they were creating and the marriages emotions would be now be those man rather than to do that to women at the cost of scaring with killing families at their names if they reject. tHen con el drama toman energía vital de sexualidad sensualidad salud dinero el bacon los huevos fritos o rotos y anda dicen que tuvieron sexo con mujeres. because they know they are aware hat they do and in that order they would receive what the put on them as men did consciously and they would pay as they buy for any of those certificates and they will walk and they know, and it would be through the feminine life women side so there is no trace - once in Eugene I was calm and tjat from within made her feel or to call herself "idiot" so i pull the table out of me and make it felt and at the same time said bring him to me and since then it has been bringing men rather than bouncing back to them as by resonance and they became more gays and more gays meaning violence violence.. And as that table was done applied certain other knowledge of wood and clay and heart elements in relation to food and metals which affects migrations ways and how documents happens and it would be faster rather than supporting racism or terrorism. Even the 12 dimensions of life as they were using it with a dace to play with life like that and i would open now another plaza so it is in the doings and they would work on that sculpture place a claim from one continent to other rather than the cows or children calling or crying to return to their bodies to be humans rather than toxic things or toxic relationships so the bombs would be barrigotas y baracudas barbas punzantes:: It said from witHin ."until the end!" which in a way they can take tjat and they would kNOw. Rather than those dramas because I have been letting this thing go since 2005 and still...... So they can take that information and because one knows there are cases and circunstances that a settlement so they can and put that into them and it 800,000 $ . like the certificates mentioned about and there are copies for others_ Like I helped a woman that I saw in front of the house-apat i nEugene.
from my practice of ChiGong along with the profile of fires we should not have any of that . along with theoatsh travelings.. ways i did and i do.