
Last year when I travelled to France I traveled with awareness through the deceive vision. A vision that was deceive because they did not allow the sale of any of my collections and they wanted to leave the art in a house where I enjoyed barbecues, pizzas, parties, campfires, etc. I decided to travel with the art. I found advertising in Santander and BBVA. I returned or flew back and it was Eugene a place walkable and beautiful town and surroundings. I was led to a building apartment when in reality I belonged to the small house that they were fixing behind. I met a young woman of my side blond when I went to pick up a tree and we recognize each other. I chopped the tree rather than to wait for the spring time. oN a conversation someone was using the 5 G tower with intentions it is my believe related to Duckies or the Oregon team. Those that like to leave marks in the ass and walk like ducks. I jail and I said i dont do anything for them like that thing of disconnecting the internet. Like a connection of earth that does not discharge electricity etc which is just ancestry to that dont like  internet etc. Later on I did a test with a toy gun and I shot a dart in an angle of about 45 degrees and it hit the window and stay. I disconnected and did again and it behaved normally. It hit the window and it did not stick to. I put 2 x in the windows as to mark with the double rhomboids the house at front which relates to the porn or adults movies of the 80' as I was processing all residue that I transforme into a vibe of me and then the vibe of the plazas.  the dumping of doings from one house to another or the time of holidays thinking and consciously doing. Like i dot smoke and that thing within puts smokes smells etc - the others took alchemical transformations so.....  - - Front the apartment outside I saw a fatty young man, a dark hairy young woman and a fatty young woman. The man performed and action of shooting a bullet to the young woman and the other obese laugh . She was walking like a duck.  - well good for you if you all do that gain claim your doings-  Which by the way I also wrote to the profile that let me there.
bEcause I am either a person /that means someone was putting that on me- when in reality is that i found a small company to work with so that company would take care of the building situations as they have that set of knowledge and wisdoms. Even when or independently like Amazon could be Amazon/MK as it is written on a note rather than that service of donations/ that is to fix others companies or peoples problems or that I pursue situations to look for money I have created a collection of authorities so the doers can take their merrits; which said that they are no silence doers anymore can take the injuries rather than the owners or ground force. I did noticed to that when they were fixing something I disconnected the internet and the employees did not know what to do and they stop working.  And happens that I found a loving woman at a salsa dancing place while developing plazas - tht may be platforms for the future performance centers. that are and are not related to houses.
There was also the house below infront with 4 young women and they were doing a party. They were using that as to please me but thanks to me I remained at my frontward giving the back to them relaying in that one of them would come to take me to the party. Later on in the Spring time as they got comfortable with the sun because I was coming outside to enjoy my coffee, beer, wine and meals. Litters means litter with intention so as to show how I am and how they got comfortable rather than drinking and dumping. Water from cleaning the floors are very welcome to the garden rather than dumping into the toilet and then flushing. / they complain about it not sure if them themselves because they houses were designed to use the toilet or not to bring behaviors that are actually enriching behaviors (that is why( you are behaving better they tell me do they miss a man performing the inner forces of the holidays and then made a tablee tht redirected way they were doing even though the elections said something else. )people travel and lives in other countries- I too was through the water with strength to the fence between two buildings and the dark presence that was built in between keeping people away from each other at the end even on of them was always saying hi how are you doing ... / First and Second Certificates specially. LikeM 1 and 2. They made a program were they are going to show themselves and I make it mine so  they don't govern so are they who go. Audiovisual Created Service - Servicio Audiovisual Creado  All of that you have been using is a force of creativity related to Giants energy before there was the eye for an eye like gladiators energies historical vibes.  I put on because I now from different collections that they still until it sells ad that is why it did not sell. Understood that i am no a jilipollas? the once that use these platforms and said they are n the silence doers are.  tHere is people that remember the 2 of the switcher. 1 was for the light one was for the internet. I put one on the internet piece of sticky look like a  tongue because that thing did not stop talking at all. And then y took it of and told everyone all the opposite. When  it is a virus thing created by people because I unpublished a book when it was done and they started to resale it on Amazon and when I share something on Instagram they were giving even the way i was cooking pancakes or even the bursas.   iF there is a compensation for those doings and the expression that was given at a phone call it was because they were doing from the houses at front. So they take the reasons and injuries etc. 80,000$ and the purchase of a certificate of penitenciarias or acedurias. There are many.