desde el título de Su Altísima Presencia in Earth 

Petitencias Y Acedurias Note

Penitencias Y Acedurías: For a general rule, 80,000 or 800,000 or 8,000 USD or Euros depending where they live so they dont use the currency exchange. Some have instructions to ask their wives or parents or grand parents to tell them to what is the money for. How they work. It happened that last year summer in France. From Bordeaux to the Eastern Beaches. One night we arrived late  and there was only the possibility to get a sandwich of cheese. Next day we parked at that restaurant or next day to eat. It was full. So we switch to the bakery on the other side of the street - Small towns knows and they help each other in busy days specially if the original intention was to park and eat there and specially for about half hour or so.  FIND YOUR JUDEA decia por ejemplo "what your belly wants? it was a phrase but it is the main thing under it___ and it was done beautifully__ rather than to keep a silence doer within__ isª the ª is the kudzu kunda of the ancestry that came out of killing of wherever anything said as i studied. it made me felt on ice twice, it kept the cold of the pacific ocean, it told everyone that it was fine, it made a woman felt as jumped over a chain, a man with a child when going to enjoy snow over a chain, a pregnant woman when living her life, it dropped a child from a top, it made a man felt and hit his elbow, it forced the industry to make a test to pregnant woman when there is no need of a test, it does not allow rational thinking so they can try more times to take blood from a baby, it manipulates computers, phones, numbers, filters 10 dollars or coins with each transaction in terms of energy, etcs::::::::: and that would be in all those pilgrimages of penitencias y acedurias and it would pay. and it stole consciousness and developed the Omicron variantion of Covid-19. It violated abused women, it committed crimes, it made child and other children to hit themselves, it fool life and dead only for a while.  It can not digest or ignate fires unless walking and there are many and only in pilgrimages....   may you know that i share once a picture and there was an essence. It was "walk with me" rather than to ran the obscure desires through other people for 2 years r true desires. These are all prigrimages of penitences and acedurias because it is mostly a realm of men playing with the new era and the vibe taking and penetrating to conceive gilts out of gifts __ there fore they MOST AND THEY WILL__ RATHER THAN THE TIN OF STEALING. KNOW THAT THEY KNOW THEY HAVE BEEN POOLING WOMEN AWAY EVERY DAY WHILE KEEPING LIKE ONE IS TO SACRIFICE HIMSELF TO BE ALIVE IN THE LIFE OF MANYº   _ the ni wa when i was a child i was enjoying the sun light and i was dumped into the swim pool. i learned to swim at the age of 25 or so and that summer I was swimming for about 1 km. in one hour. The child ws born before and at the swimming lesson he was even scare of putting his face on or in water. when i child is born from a father and mother it is with the atributes no the pains or restrictions or what the others did. for that there is 80%. so you know medial life that one knows::    2 summers ago i learn other things and practiced other methods that does not means i dumped the joy_
From inner someone said to remove the car from there so they were disturbing the joy of food and family time, etc. So thaT thing that is within many people manage to express itself from within someone and scratched a T on the car that we rented from Enterprise. in relation to aUdiovisual seRvices.
I paid wherever it was which was about 400 Euros I think.  por dentro de mi cuerpo y relaciones crean drama y miedos y roban cada momento de alegría y luego dicen que me perdonan y tal y cual - quien quiera cojer perdón de las personas que lo hacen cosas así no _- se van se van__ saben pueden coprar esa colección Sabes y pueden hacer copias y pueden colgarla en vuestros negocios para que sepáis vuestros clientes tambien como andabais haciendo negocios y las gentes con las cuales debeis estar y clientele y tal y cual. panda de babosos y babosas atadas a un hijoputa malaria d emielda. 
When we got phones outside Sainte-Maxime we got different numbers and our phone numbers were twisted with other people. Free Mobile I wrote too. 
1. The person is still responsible for doing it.  in the rings and written there is the doers_ the did- and they would accumulate to them like those browns that would not allow them to be so they would be disgust for anyone else but their kind of elders for joining the kind of dead of the past. aguardiente y aguas de valencia pues ya dijo una en gratitude_ that the one from behind was taking - se te va a llenar los cuerpos de todo lo que tiran-- Cullera.
s_ en algún sitio tal vez esta escrito, del ceviche y el mezcal me metí en el mar. Dentro del mar metafísico ejercite y calenté pues ya y refleje en las clavículas a quien en el agua no en el agua a los que robaban el fuego. En los animales de los zoológicos los ladrones  e fuegos humanos, la vida sabe la muerte sabe y esperaron a las penas máximas capitales: las cuales serán ajusticiadas por el pueblo y ademas muchos los dejaran sin ser ajusticiados pues no se quedran ni ensuciar los cuerpos  o las piedras o nada con ellos. El viajar para darles lechuga o sobras sera demasiado . Probablemente con la misma desgana de llevar la basura a los contenedores. - y lo harán en las plazas qeu las mujeres se acercaran a uno pues ya las invito en persona y por la frecuencia en si . y lo harán significaba que ellos iban a hacer eso un aviso para que no lo hicieran y se quitaran del medio e la venta_ hay una presencia de cocodrilo aligator y castores los cuales a media milla ya les tiraba . a media milla estaréis ustedes de las mujeres aunque  estén cerca a media milla estarán.
1.bc. If the person buys one certificate it could discharge the karma that they were putting on his family even in the projection of life. Like for example someone stole from me and made a movie so I go back to Boulder after I studied anatomy in NY to meet my old goody. Like if someone decides to be guy rather than be happy about his suicide. -towards live a Constellation once did and that was the response of a presence within the body_ so as I was with the foots parked by the road enjoying grapes my feet estaban disfrutando de las texturas de los terronales y supe que el vino será bueno. Hacia la otra vida hacia afuera esa vida de que recuerda lo que una batalla fue hace más de 200 años y no deja recordar el número de teléfono. At the trip to Mexico there was a moment of senxuality, there was even an aligator at least near by_ months later that thing as the moment of joy was stolen left a mark saying you abused me- the other said yes_ do you know what you are getting and that one way or another an aligator would be within your body like one day or night it was from the mat a cocodrilo .---so you know animals also incarnate into humans and i have been teaching that realm so they go to those rather than pray and food or predator and food. the more you pray without being asked the more you get buried of__
2. Enterprise is an international company. Due to is related to that his clientele and others companies may be affected so if they were and am pretty sure they are involve as the ex president from the US and the one from France were having fun internally. The companies of their investors and companies may go down in reputation or up. Depending on what they support and there are cars and cars are cars. 
2.A if they buy they may find a way to invert the process and still it would go to them or they would be able to connect the people that loves that from within and attract those kind of people as main customers. ke en el cuerpo y familia nada a menos que sean_ tal y como saben y usasteis la oat oaths.
2.B i was going to rent a VOLVo en Valencia airport. The person read that if there was a scratch in the car I would have to pay the whole car. 2.C That thing from within made her feel that I am that kind of man. 2.D I said it was just a Volvo because a scratch does not make an insurance pay for the whole car even though tht thing made the other think that I don't appreciate a Volvo. NIÑOS - THE ONCE THA LIVES WITHIN THEM_COMO EL HUEVO Y LAGALLINA.
Then I spoke with another and the other person knew it was only for the scratch. At the end they manage not to rent it which probably made them involve in that situation. Like they were using a book that I wrote and I unpublished and someone else started to resale and or print new copies on Amazon. Like for example from the body they have said that they were using the cameras of the phones for this and that. And so they were taking connection that are genuine and even telling them over on by from within to move away from me so I ran into a new one every day to look and enjoy the seduction instead of letting life to happen and then to move with the sensuality espirituality and ways of one self rather than.  Like for example to the bed as someone was no letting me rest i hit the bed with a cord from Apple until that thing said that it wont do it any more and it was a vegan woman taking from me rather than herself eating meat.  That does not mean tht as it said from within tht she wont do that anymore tht does not mean i keep someone that des that from within . My son for example from outside pock my belly bottom meaning " he knew what he did and am joyful about it. SO there fore it goes to the others. 
It did happened at that time and specially started about 4 years ago when one with the child stopped at a Big Y market for a snack to go to a playground. Then we came out and a vehicle had scratched the side of the car. - the angel or that thing wanted to fix a scratch the car had with the scratch of another persons doings. So oneself decided to let that go and kept going to enjoy the evening. That week then approached Big Y and put the claim to the police towards Hartford CT. And that was all. Fix for a fix in exchange of joy that is others doings.   LIKE THERE ARE SPIRITUAL FORCES BETWEEN COUNTRIES AND COUNTRIES . SO AS ALL OF IT IS RELATED WITH "PILGRIMAGES" AND WAYS OF TRAVELING SO...  much more that is all general and precise at the same time like my mother did not like to step on certain places and I do. Only if there is no a car. And like i read once and heard one few times for pleasure i walked fast and decided along the forest branches and thread out of monks and they were supporting one the wood arching element would have teach them not to align with that. or something that only drinks water to be in the body or like drops hanging on the frozen branches of trees were representations of tears that would drop like spears from the heavens as the mead was given to many until we meet or meet. - spermatozoids i will say could be more like renacuajos o tadpoles. - just a consequence. 
legal warning and creation of:- May you know taht the trespassing conscious trespassing and pullings aways are equivalent to about 70 years of spiritual imprisoning along with the retention of life to happen in they way it was reformulated by my structure along with the if this not today tomorrow or next day that. Nothing to do with what the CHigong master within one self applied to the sublet realm of violence so it was to those that consciously stole for the last 2 years. + other related connections like to objects, marks etc. Or connections with others. May you know that from free will even young woman even before they are born they make choices.  Example 1 Corinthians  . Beer does not do that and the levels of slaves are greater like the prevention of smelling like a beautiful black woman from which i had spiritual sex about a year ago is a crime. TO harm a child from the belly bottom is a crime, to harm a Cosplay as an acto of sacrifice equals the same amount of dead that they were preventing. Etc. At lest requieres 16 of them.  Time will tell.
May you know that at the time I started to travel I was not at the schedule off my traveling friends. Así que como no tenía madurez emocional decidí que con el placer de la música y crecer viaje a Portugal. Luego a Marruecos. Solo tenía la mochila lista. Cuando hubo una ventana de tiempo dado salí corriendo y viaje a Marruecos. La primera opción ya saben_ Uno hubiera ido preparado en lugar de cuando le dieron el tiempo. Así lo previsto  era lo que se quedo en casa. Y así surgió. Así entonces uno viajo a varias culturas. Vio y viajo con cultura. Asi las puertas primero juzgaron y luego se abrieron. No sabían que llevaba un proyecto de vida que resolvía el pasado para una corriente de la vida. Así pues con la sabiduría y práctica del Chi_GOng y tal como viajaba el árbol de la vida iba creando. Así con tiempo aunque sin tiempo tambien tuve emocion crecí a otro aspecto y se añadió ese fuego en lugar del fuego comentado en un ejercicio de conversación en Ingles y además práctico so no es usado como retención o restricción. SI antes era más como, es de fuegos humanos tal y como de los dos lados.  An may you know that by pulling there faiths have been created to keep things on track like once I spoke with an Hare Krishna monk.  So they know what a video movie created with a residue specially when it is stolen consciously to sabotage emotionally only.
Lie when i was a teenager comencé a fumar un poco pues note ese aspecto de las películas y tal y cual y tal como se hacia en la puerta de la discoteca ahi mismo decidí apagar el cigarro. aNd there is a certificate of acedurias y penitencias of "ladrón de manzanas" which is has nothing to do with the cidra las manzanas etc. And all of it was done in real time as facts where happening.
- dear Netflix; at some point when I was relaxing after all day active, I was watching a documental about tacos. I started to notice something, like a flash. I could to believe what I started to think. So after many tries and I noticed you were using the back of the eyes muscles when one is relax like when in an open space. So I recorded with the I-phone so you know all that is associated either goes down or up depending on what they support so either one company or the other one for example. So now you either both are in the same field or Apple separates from it. So I recorded it and there were adds or the shopping car from Zappos. or an online store of shoes which I left in the basket 2 I believe so to my wife to choose which one to order. All of that are aspects that where influenced within our psyche and relationships like that thing for example used to hit our son against the floor and they make people think that they did to himself and our son means also that it has reach the collective and so you know I wrote to the employee back them and she said they dont do tht . SO after a while I discharged the video like I know for example that if i cross a light with a car coming or a crosswalk but that mark left that and that almost happens twice in Valencia. Twice my car has been scratched, one in US, one in Spain.  So you know at the level you all work how things happens to all of you at more magnify levels__ and how even if it did not happened to you what happened to others flows to you not to my profile or tree of life which is about 1,400-41 and about 4,100  projection in time and space. VERIDANS VERDES QUE OS QUIERO VVERDES__TAL Y COMO VI MIERDA SALIENDO DE MI PROPIO HIJO DE MIERDA VERDE SECA. Y EL QUE SE OPONGA DE MIERDA SECA COMO DE ESPONJAS EN EL MAR. 
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cas blanca column biden bittens .pdf
may you know tht before I was born and my mother was pregnant with me within the belly and of love no of obsessions she relayed and shared with her father that she was pregnant then - my grandfather-which was from within Morgan T- threw a show to my mothers belly and left an imprint in my nervous system. An imprint that I left behind when I con un tirabeque hecho de una boca de plastic y un globo con semilla frutosa de árbol común fui consciente del cuerpo y del ratón que se asomaba de una pared conjunta. Fue un ratón blanco mirando con miedo desde uno de los orificios del ladrillo y del bujero del cuerpo. Así se fue a ello. Luego más adelante en la adolescencia cuando uno proceso la adolescencia surgió como maricón a través de mi padre e interrumpió un baño ceremonial. Luego en una pintura acrílica y fotografía surgió otra vez diciendo que queria matarme en la pintura collage there was a trampoline towards emptiness o las pirañas o los mares. Asi dijo se expreso dentro  de mi por mi voz y pidió que lo matara. Así se debería haber ido. Sentí más tarde la muerte de mi abuelo ese frío eterno de la muerte. Un corte limpio lo que llaman clear cut. But they replaced with desawareness and colds and hits and substances of other people or doings of things made by man or woman. Asi sabes_ number are a number and there are a precise number of dead's or bodies that you would _ remain and within to be below that living or dead of the underwarworld that was with nthe dried circunstances_  An so you know- _ so you know the plan that you planed those children to be rather from your ends_ 
know that as i was stolen the benefits of the healings of the IT band I hit those places so that goes like that to the people that stole consciously and half way those unconscious and they may or not as they do their pilgrimages as they buy certificates.  Use a translator for other languages.  Lets say that if someone goes to a bank or a restaurant or store and they take or put the hand in a register and take cash they get a bubu. They do to when they do energetically and if there was one at a bar the may have notice tht one knew and let him knew so if they dont support it it goes to those taht wished the worths for them_
las pinturas fueron atemporales en conjunción con los estudios de ZB y anatomía e Chen__ along with the existence in other planets and wounds from many ancestral dead and moments__